Department Profile

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in 1984 with a 4-year B. Tech. program in Computer Science & Engineering, with an intake of 30 students. A 3-year Post Graduate Program, Master of Computer Application, with an intake of 60 students was introduced in 1987. Under IT task force recommendations, B. Tech. Information Technology Program was introduced in the year 2000, with an intake of 60 students. Currently the department is running B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering, B. Tech. Information Technology & MCA with intake of 60, 30 and 60 respectively. One of the youngest, but among the most efficient departments, it is reputed for producing the best quality software engineers who serve in leading companies, not only in India but also abroad. The students have an in-depth exposure to computing environment consisting of state-of-the-art machines in different laboratories. In order to identify Industrial projects for the students and to expose them to the industrial environment, the department has continuous interaction with the Industries. B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering program is accredited by NBA / AICTE.
To excel in Computer Science & Engineering education, research, innovation and global employability.
- Achieve academic excellence in Computer Science & Engineering through an innovative teaching-learning process.
- Inculcate technical competence and collective discipline in students to excel for global employability, higher education and societal needs.
- Establish focus research groups in leading areas of Computer Science & Engineering.
- Sustain quality in Computer Science & Engineering education & research through continuous & rigorous assessment.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Graduates will be able to take up technical/ professional positions for design, development, and problem solving in software industries and R&D organizations.
- Graduates will be technical, ethical, responsible solution providers and entrepreneurs in various areas of Computer Science & Engineering.
- Graduates will be capable and competent to pursue higher studies in Institutions of International / National repute.
- Technical ability to analyze, develop and innovate systems and technologies in the leading/ever-evolving areas of Computer Science & Engineering.
Departmental Activity
Under Graduate
- B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
- B. Tech. Information Technology
Post Graduate
- Master of Computer Application
- M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
The admission in Ph.D Computer Science & Engineering is done as per University norms whose advertisement is displayed on University portal.
Under Graduate
B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering
- Course Structure and Details of Minor degree
- As per NEP-2020, New Course Structure of B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg. Effective from the session 2023-24
- New Course Structure of B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg. Effective from the session 2022-23
- Syllabus : Introduction to Computer Science & Enggineering Effective from the session 2022-23
- Syllabus of B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg. Effective from the session 2019-20
- Revised course Structure and Detailed Syllabi of B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering effective from the session 2017-18
- Old course Structure and Detailed Syllabi of B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
- Elective Course, CSE
- Compulsory Audit Course to II year of Engineering & Technology Branches of HBTI “CYBER SECURITY (ICS-303/ICS 405)”
B. Tech. in Information Technology
- As per NEP-2020, New Course Structure of B.Tech. Information Technology Effective from the session 2023-24
- New Course structure of B.Tech. Information Technology Effective from the session 2022-23
- Syllabus of B. Tech. Information Technology effective from the Session 2019-20
- Revised Course Structure and Detailed Syllabi of B. Tech. Information Technology effective from the Session 2017-18
- Old Course Structure and Detailed Syllabi of B. Tech. Information Technology
Post Graduate
Course structure for PhD program in different specializations.
PhD courses should be taken by students in consultation with their thesis supervisors.
- Approval of BoS from 02.06.2020 to 01.06.2022, Dated 02.06.2020
- Minutes of the meeting for M.Tech. Program, Dated 23.06.2022
- Detailed Syllabus of III-CSE, III-IT and II-MCA as per new course structure, Dated 26.07.2021
- Approval of BoS on 09.11.2022, Dated 11.11.2022
- Minutes of Online BoS meeting for restructuring courses of B.Tech. CSE and B.Tech. IT as per NEP-2020, Dated 21.10.2022
- Minutes of Online BoS meeting regarding detailed course structure of B. Tech. CSE, IT and MCA, Dated 18.08.2020

Dr. Bharat Bhushan Sagar
Associate Professor
: 9999590179

View / Download Faculty Details Year Wise

Course Code | Course Name | Year/Semester | Faculty Name | View Resource Material |
ECS-101 / ECS-102 | Computer Concepts & ‘C’ Programming | Year I, Semester-II | Ms. Urvashi Saraswat | View pdf |
ECS-202 | Software Engineering | Year II, Semester-II | Dr. Mousumi Dhara | View pdf |
ECS-204 | Object Oriented Systems | Year II, Semester-II | Dr. Prabhat Verma | View pdf |
EIT-202 | Web Technology | Year II, Semester-II | Mr. Indresh Gupta | View pdf |
BMA-204 | Discrete Mathematical Structures | Year II, Semester-II | Prof. (Dr.) Ramautar | View pdf |
HHS-204 | Organisational Behaviour | Year II, Semester-II | Dr. V. K. Yadav | View pdf |
ECS-206 | Cyber Security | Year II, Semester-II | Ms. Medha Trivedi | View pdf |
IMA-602 | Operational Research | Year III, Semester-II | Dr. Raghwendra Singh | View pdf |
IHU-601 | Organizational Behaviour | Year III, Semester-II | Dr. V. K. Yadav | View pdf |
ICS-603 | Compiler Design | Year III, Semester-II | Ms. Ankita Gautam | View pdf |
ICS-604 | Computer Networks | Year III, Semester-II | Mr. Chandra Shekhar Tiwari | View pdf |
ICS-605 | Computer Graphics | Year III, Semester-II | Prof. N. Kohli | View pdf |
ICS-801 | Distributed Systems | Year IV, Semester-II | Dr. Anita Yadav | View pdf |
ICS-802 | Digital Image Processing | Year IV, Semester-II | Dr. Vandana Dixit Kaushik | View pdf |
ICS-803 | Elective – III (Multi-core Architecture) | Year IV, Semester-II | Ms. Raksha Pandey | View pdf |
ICS-806 | Elective – IV (Soft Computing) | Year IV, Semester-II | Mr. Indresh Gupta | View pdf |
ICS-853 | Project | Year IV, Semester-II | View pdf |
View / Download Students Details Year Wise
- View Student List 2015-16
- View Student List 2016-17
- View Student List 2017-18
- View Student List 2018-19
- View CS Student List 2019-20
- View CS Student List 2020-21
- View CS Student List 2021-22
- View IT Student List 2019-20
- View IT Student List 2020-21
- View IT Student List 2021-22
- View MCA Student List 2019-20
- View MCA Student List 2020-21
- View MCA Student List 2021-22
Decoder : A common platform to the students of University to learn new programming languages, discuss queries, coding competitions, develop projects and boost their placement prospects.
Lab-1 (DBMS Lab)
Desktop Systems (50)
Brief Specifications :
Desktop HP406G1, Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-4790, CPU 3.60 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HDD, 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor, 18.5” LED Monitor, Window 8.1 Pro.

Lab-2 & Lab-3(Windows Lab)
Desktop Systems (47)
Brief Specifications (Lab-2):
Desktop DELL OptiPlex 3020, Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-4150, CPU 3.50 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HDD, 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor, 18.5” LED Monitor, Window 10 Pro.
Brief Specifications (Lab-3):
Desktop DELL OptiPlex 7010, Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-3770, CPU 3.50 GHz, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 1 TB HDD, 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor, 19.5” LED Monitor, Window 8.1 Pro.

Lab-2 & Lab-3(Windows Lab)
Desktop Systems (47)
Brief Specifications (Lab-2):
Desktop DELL OptiPlex 3020, Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-4150, CPU 3.50 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HDD, 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor, 18.5” LED Monitor, Window 10 Pro.
Brief Specifications (Lab-3):
Desktop DELL OptiPlex 7010, Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-3770, CPU 3.50 GHz, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 1 TB HDD, 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor, 19.5” LED Monitor, Window 8.1 Pro.

Desktop Systems (20)
Brief Specifications (Lab-4):
Desktop DELL OptiPlex 3020, Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-4150, CPU 3.50 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HDD, 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor, 18.5” LED Monitor, Window 10 Pro.

Lab-5(Internet Lab)
Desktop Systems (50)
Brief Specifications :
Desktop HP406G1, Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-4790, CPU 3.60 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HDD, 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor, 18.5” LED Monitor, Window 8.1 Pro.

Lab-6(New Windows Lab)
Desktop Systems (49)
Brief Specifications :
Desktop HP406G1, Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-4790, CPU 3.60 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HDD, 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor, 18.5” LED Monitor, Window 8.1 Pro.

Lab-7(CP Lab)
Desktop Systems (50)
Brief Specifications :
Desktop DELL OptiPlex 3020, Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-4150, CPU 3.50 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HDD, 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor, 18.5” LED Monitor, Window 10 Pro.

Lab-8(Virtual Class Room/ Project Lab)
AIO Desktop Systems (15)
Digital E-Learning Podium (01),
HD PTZ Camera 10X (01),
APC 10 KVA Online UPS (01),
Wall Mount Speakers (02) ,
LED TV 42” (01),
LCD Projector (01),
Motorized Screen (01) etc.
Department Store Entry
Research/ Project/ Consultancy
Sr. No. | Specialization / Cluster Area | Related Course | Faculty |
1. | Image Processing and Biometrics | Digital Image Processing Computer Graphics, Information Security, Virtual Reality, Computer Vision | Prof. N. Kohli, Prof. V. K. Pathak, Dr. V. D. Kaushik, Dr. RashiAgarwal, Dr. Imran Khan |
2. | Computational Intelligence and Cloud Computing | Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Semantic Network | Prof. Raghuraj Singh, Prof. B. K. Tripathi, Prof. Anita Yadav, Dr. Prabhat Verma, Dr. Imran Khan |
3. | Computer Networks, Mobile Adhoc Networks and Network Security | Computer Networks, Mobile Computing, Network Security, Internet of Things, Distributed Systems | Prof. B. K. Tripathi, Prof. Anita Yadav,, Dr. Prabhat Verma |
4. | Human Computer Interaction | Human Computer Interaction,, Artificial Intelligence | Prof. Raghuraj Singh,, Prof. N. Kohli, Dr. Prabhat Verma, Dr. Rashi Agarwal |
5. | Theoretical Computer Science | Compiler Design, Theory of Automata and Formal Languages, Data Structures,Design and Analysis of Algorithms,Computer Organization and Architecture,Operating System, Data Base Management System, Software Engineering, Software Project Management | Prof. Raghuraj Singh, Prof. B. K. Tripathi, Dr. Prabhat Verma |
Sponsored Research Project
Project Title | Funding Agency | Amount | Duration |
Aadhaar Card based Automated Health Care System | TEQIP-II | 1.00 Lakh | 01 Years (2017-2018) |
Consultancy Project
Project Title | Funding Agency | Amount | Duration |
Technical Scrutiny of DPR of various infrastructure and other development projects under Smart City Mission for Jhansi City. | Jhansi Smart City Ltd., Jhansi Nagar Nigam, Jhansi, UP. | 0.25% of the Total value of work+18% GST=15.00 Lakhs (Approx.) | 5 Months. Nov. 2018 to March 2019 |
Implementation of integrated smart solution for Kanpur Smart City | Kanpur Smart City | 0.35% of the Total Value (255.22 Cr.) of work = 89.327 Lakh+18% GST | 3 Months March 2022 to May 2022 |
Vetting of Integration of electric buses with mobile app | Kanpur Smart City | 1,18,000/- | 2 Years 3 Months June 2019 to Sep 2021 |
Students Achievements
Sr. No. | Name | SR. No. | Details |
1. | Aviral Bajpai | Won the Best Project Project Award after competing with 64 other teams during Summer Internship program in IIT Kanpur | |
2. | Shubham Dhama | 1005/16 | Participated and qualified GSoc 2018. Participation in various online coding events conducted by Code chef HackerRank |
3. | Abhishek Agrawal | 107/16 | > Quick code 2018(global rank 138). > June challenge 2018(global rank 745). > September challenge 2017(global rank 2000). > August Cook-off (global rank 542) |
4. | Rohan Garg | 130/16 | > NIT Delhi Blank Coding OnSite 2017. > NIT Delhi Programming League OnSite 2018. > Google CodeJam 2018. > Online short story writing competition UPES > Dehradun 2017 > various online college coding events IIIT,Allahabad, IIT Indore, IIIT , Gwalior |
5. | Akanksha Malhotra | > Won first prize in the Poster Competition for her poster “ARTH: A Machine Learning Aid for People having Word-Processing Issues” in workshop OurCS-2015: Opportunities for undergraduate Research in Computer Science, October 23-25, 2015 in the School of Computer Science, Carne Melon University, USA. > Attended Deep Learning Summer School-2016 organised by Centre De Recherches Mathematiques (CRM) and Canadian Institute for Advance Research (CIFAR) held at Universite De Montrean during August 1-7, 2016. > Attended a course on “Getting started with Deep Learning and Deep Learning for Object Detection” from Nvidia Deep Learning Institute in May 2016. > Google Student Ambassador for the Academic session 2014-15. | |
6. | Akshat Pathak | 83/15 | > Selected as a reserve student for summer student program of CERN Openlabs, Geneva. > SURGE IITK participant |
7. | Pulkit Saxena | 106/15 | Codechef Snackdown 2017 Secured global rank 55 in the pre-elimination round. |
8. | Kunal Dwivedi | 99/15 | > Secured rank 2090/21038 in Snackdown 2017 & qualified pre-elimination round in 2016 hosted by CodeChef. > Secured 93 rank in CodeChef September Lunchtime 2017. > Won 1st prize in coding event in winter events of SRM University 2015. |
9. | Vishal Mishra | 126/15 | > Google Developer Student Club Lead:Developer Student Clubs (DSC) is a Google Developers program for university students to learn mobile and web development skills. The clubs will be open to any student, ranging from novice developers who are just starting, to advanced developers who want to further their skills. The clubs are intended as a space for students to try out new ideas and collaborate to solve mobile and web development problems. I am one of the 185 leads in our country. Now this program is launched globally. > Data Analyst Intern at Yatra Online Pvt Lmt. (June 2018 – Present) > Java Intern at Bomisco Inc. (US based company) (March 2018- April 2018) > Android Developer Intern at Hub to you Experts (June 2017- July 2017) > Coding contest:-NIT Delhi, Secured all India 3rd rank. > Coding contest:- IIIT Allahabad, Secure all India 5th rank |
10. | Mehal Singhal | 100/15 | Coding contest:-at NIT Delhi, Secured all India 3rd rank |
11. | Prince Mishra | 105/15 | Coding contest:- at IIIT Allahabad, Secure all India 5th rank |
12. | Sajal Jain | 112/15 | > Coding contest:-NIT Delhi, Secure 3rd rank. > Coding contest:- IIIT Allahabad, Secured all India 5th rank > Got 7gold,11 silver,11 bronze medal on hackerrank regular online contest > Secure 99 rank in hackerrank hiring challenge > Secure 171 rank in morgan stanely hiring contest > Secure 5th rank in C.M.I contest organise at codechef |
13. | Ayush Mishra | 90/15 | > Secured A grade certificate in the 45days training on various object oriented concepts of C++programming language under the guidance of faculty of Data Expert, Kanpur. > Qualified the “Qualifier Round” and reached the “Pre-Elimination Round” of internationallevel coding competition SNACKDOWN 2016 conducted by Codechef. > Secured AIR 1471 in coding contest Code Gladiators 2017 conducted by Deloitte > Secured 2nd rank in the national level coding competition CODEHUNT conducted by Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur. > Secured 2nd rank in the ANDROID APP DEVELOPMENT contest conducted by Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur. > Won a Silver Medal in Hour Rank 18 conducted by Hacker Rank. > Won a Silver Medal in Week of Code 30 conducted by Hacker Rank. > Won a Bronze Medal in Week of Code 29 conducted by HACKERRANK. |
14. | Ankit Kumar Singh | 87/15 | > Got selected to Students-Undergraduate Research and Graduate Excellence (SURGE)program 2018 at IIT Kanpur. > Technical Content Writer Internship(APR 2018 – Present)Internship at Geeksforgeeks during which published articles on various GATE subjects likecomputer networks, compiler design, theory of computation, engineering mathematics, etc. > Secured Rank-1 in Technical Scripter Contest 2018 organised by Geeksforgeeks |
15. | Prakhar Tandon Utkarsh Dixit Harsh Prajapati Tushar Bhatia Unnati Kumari Raunak Agarwal | Won Smart India Hackathon ’22 in Cyber Security
and Blockchain category under AICTE’s problem statement of Graphical Password Authentication | |
16. | Sachin Dixit | Selected as SIEMENS SCHOLARS | |
17. | Priyanshi Agarwal | Selected as SIEMENS SCHOLARS | |
18. | Abhinav Awasthi | > ICPC REGIONALIST > DSA Mentor at Geeks for Geeks | |
19. | Ashwina Ashish | Won the STATE LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP in TABLE TENNIS With 1st POSITION |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Google Scholar link |
1. | Prof. Raghuraj Singh | View Link |
2. | Prof. Vinay Kumar Pathak | View Link |
3. | Prof. Narendra Kohli | View Link |
4. | Prof. Bipin Kumar Tripathi | View Link |
5. | Dr. Anita Yadav | View Link |
6. | Dr. Prabhat Verma | View Link |
7. | Dr. Vandana Dixit Kaushik | View Link |
8. | Dr. Rashi Agarwal | View Link |
9. | Dr. Vivek Singh Verma | View Link |
10. | Dr. Imran Khan | View Link |