(Formerly Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur)

Department Profile

H.B.T.U. Kanpur, a pioneer university in the country, was established in the year 2016. Earlier, it was known as H.B.T.I. Kanpur which was established in the year 1920-21 to provide manpower training, technical know-how and applied research support to a large number of chemical and allied industries taking shapes in the country, particularly in its northern zone. For about 35 years, since its inception, HBTI had provided all kind of support to almost all chemical and allied industries so effectively that it was the first choice for any problem of chemical engineering or applied chemistry. A number of reputed technical institutes today, like IIT Kanpur, NSI, GCTI, Leather, Rubber, Glass etc. were either parts of this institute or were started in its building with all types of support and guidance during their earlier periods. Because of the proven expertise of H.B.T.I. in the area of chemical and allied industries, as advised by a visiting committee of AICTE, Chemical Engineering Department was formed and Chemical Engineering Education was formalized in the institute in 1954 with two new courses for awarding undergraduate degrees of AHBTI and FHBTI. Thereafter in 1958, two full-fledged undergraduate courses were started leading to degrees in Chemical Engineering after four years study and in Chemical Technology after three years study. The Chemical Engineering Department was made responsible to teach and guide fundamental principles of Chemical Engineering and their applications to the entire students of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology and later on to Leather Technology as well.

The Department has built up a comprehensive research infrastructure with top-notch facilities for carrying cutting-edge teaching and research. Constant efforts are being made to maintain and enhance the high standards of this department to be ranked always as one of the best in India. The Department strives to provide its students with facilities and environment that are conducive for creative and dynamic work. This department has run several research programs in Technology, Engineering and Basic Sciences, of which some were sponsored by institutions like U.G.C, C.S.I.R, D.S.T. (NEW DELHI) B.A.R.C. (BOMBAY) I.C.A.R. (NEW DELHI), U.P.C.S.T (LUCKNOW) M.H.R.D. (NEW DELHI), C.I.D.A (CANADA). The faculty has extensively contributed by writing books and publishing good number of research papers in national and international journals of repute. The department has organized a number of National and International seminars, workshops, and Short courses.


To emerge as a global leader in the areas of education and research in Chemical Engineering to handle the technological challenges in Chemical Engineering & Allied Fields and catering the requirements of stakeholders and society.


  • The mission of the Department of Chemical Engineering are:

    • To provide state-of-art technical education to the undergraduate and post graduate students.
    • To create a conducive and supportive environment for the overall growth of our students.
    • To cultivate awareness of social responsibilities in students to serve the society.
    • To groom students with leadership skills helpful in Startups, professional ethics and accountability along with technical knowledge to face the changing needs of industry and environment.
    • To provide consultancy services to the Chemical and Allied industries of the region, state and the country.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The educational objectives of B. Tech Chemical Engineering are:

  • Graduates from our department will be proficient in varied areas of Chemical Engineering that are industrially and academically significant such as Petroleum Refining, Process Control, Fertilizer Manufacturing, Molecular Modeling & Simulation and Nanotechnology.
  • Graduates will exhibit entrepreneurship, leadership and high professional skills while maintaining ethical and moral values.
  • Graduates will continuously strive and align their activities for betterment of the society.
  • Graduates will discharge their duties with professional attitudes and ethics.

Program specific outcomes (PSOs)

  • The Program specific outcomes (PSOs) B.Tech Chemical Engineering are:

    • Design and development of ecofriendly, energy efficient and sustainable chemical engineering processes
    • Apply the knowledge and analytical ability to solve problems related to chemical process industry.
    • Analyze and formulate economically viable solutions for environmental and waste management systems


Under Graduate

B.TECH. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Eligibility 10+2 PCM through JEE (Mains)

Dr. Ashish Kapoor

Professor & Head

: [email protected]

: 7397242108

Dr. Rajesh Katiyar


: [email protected]

: 7081300533

Dr. S.K.Gupta


: [email protected]

: 7081300512

Dr. Ashwini Sood


: [email protected]

: 7081300534

Dr. A K Rathore


: [email protected]

: 9721456051

Dr. G L Devnani


: [email protected]

: 945033376

Dr. S.V.A.R.Sastry

Associate Professor

: [email protected]

: 7093423964

Dr. Adarsh Kumar Arya

Associate Professor

: [email protected]

: 9927741369

Dr Shina Gautam

Associate Professor

: [email protected]

: 9617294626

Dr. Amit Kumar Rathoure

Associate Professor

: [email protected]

: 9616428049

Sri Jitendra Kumar

Associate Professor

: [email protected]

: 7081300549

Dr. Dan Bahadur Pal

Assistant Professor

: [email protected]

: 9336709751

Dr. Zeenat Arif

Assistant Professor

: [email protected]

: 9628193350

Dr. Pranava Chaudhari

Assistant Professor

: [email protected]

: 7607489600

Dr. Bineeta Singh

Assistant Professor

: [email protected]

: 9458029951

Dr. Anjali Awasthi

Assistant Professor

: [email protected]

: 8874246465

Dr. Brijesh Kumar Yadav

Guest Faculty

: brijeshkry [email protected]

: 9415308397

Dr. Pooja Sahu

Guest Faculty

: [email protected]


Pankaj Kumar Lodhi

: [email protected]

: 9452313387

Dr. Vijay Kumar Verma

Guest Faculty

: [email protected]

: 8791667365

Dr Amit Kumar Pandey

Guest Faculty

: [email protected]

: 9935461305

Faculty Details Year Wise

Innovation by the faculty in Teaching and Learning

1. Smart class room with multimedia facilities
The department has smart class with multimedia facilities which has been used for video lectures and presentations.
View Geo tagged images of ICT facilities
2. Industry consultation committee
The faculty members interact ICC members through meetings and suggestions are incorporated in Bos (Board of Studies) meetings.
View Certificate ICC Constitution
3. Industry representation in BoS
Apart from academicians and subject experts the Board of Studies (BoS) consists industrial personals also to have their feedback which can be incorporated in curriculum.
View Certificate BoS Constitution
4. Publications of faculty members for peer review and critics
Faculty publications details link
5. Expert lectures organized by the department
Expert lectures organized link

Smt Mamta Devi



: 6392716265

Shri Sanjay Kumar

Research Assistant


: 7408435826


Name of Laboratory : Mechanical Operations Lab

Name of Equipment :
Ball mill
Jaw Crusher
Ro-Tap® Sieve Shaker
Crushing Rolls
Cyclone Separator
Experimental set-up for Settling characteristics of particle

Name of Laboratory : Fluid Mechanics Lab

Name of Equipment :
Venturi meter
Orifice meter
Drag coefficient
Pipe fitting apparatus
Bernoulli’s theorem apparatus
Centrifugal pump & Rota-meter
Reynolds’s apparatus

Name of Laboratory : Fluid Mechanics Lab

Name of Equipment :
Batch Reactor
Stirrer Tank Reactor
Plug Flow Reactor
Weighing balance
Demo setup of reactor

Name of Laboratory : Instrumentation & Process Control Lab

Name of Equipment :
Liquid level tank system
Constant stress rotational viscometer
Two Tank Interacting & Non-Interacting Systems
P/I Controller
Diaphragm Control Valve
Dead weight tester
Bimetallic thermometer
Manometer for level measurement
Muffle furnace
Hot air oven

Name of Laboratory : Process Heat Transfer Lab

Name of Equipment :
Set-ups for study on Composite Wall
Lagged Pipe
Natural Convection
Forced Convection
Pin Fin
Stefan Boltzmann
Heat Pipe

Name of Laboratory : Mass Transfer Operation Lab

Name of Equipment :
Force –tray dryer
Incubator shaker
Vacuum rotary evaporator
Cooling tower
Gas absorption setup
Magnetic stirrer
Chilled water circulation air apparatus
Batch distillation
Steam distillation
Soxhlet apparatus

Name of Laboratory : Computer Application & Design (CAD) Lab (Computer Aided Equipment Design (CAED) Lab + Process Modelling & Simulation (PMS) Lab)

Name of Equipment :
Computers – 35 Nos.
Software : Matlab, Scilab, Aspen plus, Aspen hysys
ANSYS Fluent

Name of Laboratory : Research Lab (Waste to wealth)

Name of Equipment :
Weighing balance
Water purifier
Magnetic stirrer
Vacuum filter
Condensor unit
Microwave pyrolyzer
Muffle furnace
Hot air oven
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Name of Laboratory : Research lab (Composite lab)

Name of Equipment :
Weighing scale
Hot air oven
Universal oven
Muffle furnace
Water still distillation unit
Environmental chamber
Mechanical stirrer

Name of Laboratory : Project Lab (UG/PG)

Name of Equipment :
Magnetic stirrer
Smokeless chulha
Membrane setup
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
Separatory funnel

Sr. No.Type of Event TitleDatesDetailed Information
1International ConferenceCHEM-TECHNOVA 2024 “Sustainable Green Chemical Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities”21st to 23rd march 2024View
2Workshop Two day workshop on “Recent advances in water purification & waste water treatment29th to 30th November 2023View
3 Session talk by Dr Dhanajay, IET LucknowEnergy and Environmental issues for Sustainable Growth3rd November 2023View
4 Session talk by Mr. Hemant, Assistant Manager (R&D), HPCL27th October 2023View
5 Expert Lecture & Interactive session by Mr Gaurav Khattar 16th September 2023View
65-Day FDPSustainable Green Chemical Technologies21st August to 25th August 2023View
7Expert Lecture & Interactive session by Mr Shushil GargOverview of oil and Gas10th August, 2023View
8International Conference CHEM-TECHNOVA 2023 26th to 27th May 2023View
9 Expert Lecture & Interactive session by Mr Rajata Mehra18th April 2023View
10CHEMCON -2022 International Conference27th to 30th December 2022View
11(InDA) : 2 day International WorkshopAdvances in water purification and water treatment18th to 19th November 2022View
12Expert Lecture by Mr Vivek Mishra, Barc, MumbaiExpert Lecture on Scanning electron Microscope for characterization and synthesis of silver zeolite for different application04th November 2022View
13Expert Lecture by Mr Faroz AlamProcess Engineering in Industry09th November 2022View
14Expert Lecture by Prof Neeraj GuptaMaterial Grade Substitution an individual case study15th September 2022View
15 Expert Lecture by Mr D.K. ShuklaDangote Refinery 01st June 2022View
16Expert Lecture by Mr. Vivek SinghProject Management24th November 2021View
17Expert Lecture by Ms. Jharna Taneja The technologies of nuclear power plants16th November 2021View
18One day national webinarSingle Use Plastics: Challenges and Alternatives28th August 2021View
19FDPModern Innovation in Chemical Engineering and Technology9th to 13th August 2021View
20FDP Methods and Techniques for Enhanced Teaching and Learning in Technical Education15th to 20th October 2018View
21FDPRecent Advances in Chemical Engineering23rd to 27th July 2018View
22 WorkshopApplication on MATLAB22nd and 23rd May 2018View
23Workshop (one day)CHEMCAD 21st March 2017View
24Workshop Energy Audit and Energy Conservation07th March 2017View
25Workshop (two days for Students)MATLAB 14th October 2016View
26Workshop Occupational Health and Safety Management03rd October 2016View
27FDPOptimization Techniques for Engineers23rd March 2009View


View Geo tagged images

  • HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
  • Elemental analyzer
  • Particle size analyzer
  • Gas Chromatograph
  • UV-Vis Spectroscopy
  • Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)
  • BET surface area analyzer
  • Compac Visual FORTRAN compiler with IMSL subroutine library.

Research/ Project/ Consultancy

Dr. S.K. Gupta


  • A project completed on “Studies on Oxidation of organic compounds in waste water” sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi. (Rs.4.40 lac).
  • A project completed on “Studies on Degradation of organic compounds by natural and Artificial UV Radiation” sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi. (Rs. 12.85 lac).
  • TEQIP -II sponsored project titled “Removal of Flouride from Ground Water using Low Cost Adsorbents and comparison with Nano Particles” sanctioned under Research and Development Grant (Rs. 2.5 Lakhs) for one year upto 31st March’17.
  • TEQIP -II sponsored project titled “Treatment of Effluents from Food Industries using Natural Adsorbents” sanctioned under Research and Development Grant (Rs. 2.35 Lakhs) for one year upto 31st March’17.
  • TEQIP -II sponsored project titled “Removal of Fluoride from Ground water using Chemically modified Activated Carbon prepared from three different materials namely bark of Neem tree and Mango tree and leaves of Banyan tree” sanctioned under Research and Development Grant (Rs. 0.5 Lakhs) for one year upto 31st March’17.
  • TEQIP -II sponsored project titled “Extraction of Essential Oil from Cymbopogon Nardus (Citronella) and Eucalyptus by using Microwave-assisted Simultaneous Distillation and Extraction Process” sanctioned under Research and Development Grant (Rs. 0.5 Lakhs) for one year upto 31st March’17.
  • TEQIP -II sponsored project titled “Extraction of Essential Oil from Ocimum Basilicum and Piper Betle by using Microwave -assisted Simultaneous Distillation and Extraction Process” sanctioned under Research and Development Grant (Rs. 0.5 Lakhs) for one year upto 31st March’17.
  • DIC sponsored project titled “Microwave extraction of Essential Oils” grant is Rs. 10 Lakhs for two years upto 31st March 2019 as Co PI.
  • “Design and Development of miniaturized low cost sensor device for metal ions” with sanction amount of Rs 12.07 Lakh.
Dr. Ashwini Sood
  • TEQIP funded research project “CO-CH4 oxidation catalysts for CNG emissions abatement” with sanction amount of (Rs. 10.87 lakh).

Dr. A.K. Rathore

DIC sponsored project titled” Microwave extraction of Essential Oils” grant is Rs. 10 Lakhs.

  • TEQIP funded research project “Plastic waste to Energy Value addition” with sanction amount of (Rs. 14.68 lakh).
  • UPCST funded research project “Development of carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide from plastic waste for multifarious applications”, with sanction amount of Rs. 11.94 lakh, 2022.
Dr. G L Devnani
  • SERB sponsored project titled ” Effect of Nano filler for the performance improvement of composites for diverse application” grant is Rs. 15 Lakhs., 2021
Dr. S. V. A. R. Sastry
  • UPCST sponsored project titled “Development of two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterial waste biolubricant additives for sustainable automative application” grant is Rs. 12.36 Lakhs.,2023
Dr. Shailendra Kumar Pandey(AICTE/ TEQIP funded research project)
  • “Design and Development of miniaturized low cost sensor device for metal ions” with sanction amount of Rs 12.07 Lakh
  • “Development and Analysis of Miniaturized Heat Transfer Devices” with sanction amount of Rs 18.63 Lakh.
  • “Photonic crystal cavity based optical sensor for the application of gas sensing in mines” of Rs 15.80 Lakh.
Dr. Deepak Yadav (AICTE/ TEQIP funded research project)
  • “CO-CH4 oxidation catalysts for CNG emissions abatement” with sanction amount of (Rs. 10.87 lakh).
Dr. Anil Kumar Varma (AICTE/ TEQIP funded research project)
  • “Plastic waste to Energy Value addition” with sanction amount of (Rs. 14.68 lakh).
TEQIP funded research project details


Project TitleDuration (2022-23 / 2021-22 / 2020-21)Funding AgencyAmountFaculty
Compatibility Study of NEGG (North-East Gas Grid) Pipeline network for Blending of Green Hydrogen2023IGGL129800Dr. Adarsh Arya
Design Adequacy Assessment of ETP and upgradation in the telephone unit of KK25 Jan 2023KK Environment Solution29500Dr. A K Rathore Dr.ZeenatArif
Design Adequacy Assessment of ETP and upgradation in the telephone unit of KK25 Jan 2023KK Environment Solution29500Dr. A K Rathore Dr.ZeenatArif Dr.Bineeta Singh
Design Adequacy Assessment of ETP and upgradation in the telephone unit of KK17 April 2023KK Environment Solution29500Dr. A K Rathore Dr.ZeenatArif Dr.Bineeta Singh
Design Adequacy Assessment of ETP for upgradation in the textile unit17 April 2023KK Environment Solution29500Dr. A K Rathore Dr.ZeenatArif Dr.Bineeta Singh
Design Adequacy Assessment of ETP26 Dec 2022KK Environment Solution29500Dr. A K Rathore Dr.ZeenatArif Dr.Bineeta Singh


2. GATE qualified students having rank below 150 are :-
Year 2016

  • Mr. Shivam Gupta – Rank 26
  • Mr. Sachin Gautam – Rank 30
  • Mr. Mehul – Rank 82
  • Mr. Vikram Singh – Rank 90
  • Mr. Yash Agrawal – Rank 132

Year 2017

  • Mr. Yatendra Kumar Panghal – Rank 2
  • Mr. Saurabh Kumar – Rank 53
  • Mr. Abhishek Atrey – Rank 94
  • Ms.Shivani Gupta – Rank 96
  • Mr. Sri Krishna – Rank 146

Year 2018

  • Mr. Prashant Varshney – Rank 9
  • Mr. Mudit Singh – Rank 26
  • Mr. Anjani Rai – Rank 39
  • Mr. Aditya Singh – Rank 147

Year 2019

  • Mr. Kshitz Kedia – Rank 19
  • Ms. Subhi Arora – Rank 102

Year 2020

  • Mr. Abhishek Saxena – Rank 52
  • Mr. Rahul Gupta – Rank 52
  • Mr Shivanshu Tripathi-98

Year 2021

  • Mr. Harshit Tiwari– Rank 11
  • Mr. Rahul Gupta– Rank 12
  • Mr Devesh Baranwal- Rank 14
  • Mr Yasharth Srivastava- Rank 74

Year 2022

  • Mr. Yash Gupta– Rank 53

3. Award Received by AKTU in Convocation 2017

  • Ms. Shivani Gupta – Gold Medal
  • Mr. Abhishek Atrey – Silver Medal
  • Ms. Mahak Agrawal – Bronze Medal


The faculty members are actively involved in research activities and publishing the research work in reputed journals. The details of the publications are provided in the bio-data of individual faculty members.


Dr. Ashish Kapoor
Professor & Head

Phone: 7397242108

Email: [email protected]

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