(Formerly Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur)

Department Profile

The Department of Physics, HBTU Kanpur has a very rich history of research and innovation, it is one of the oldest departments of the University, which is running since 1958. Presently, the Physics Department is teaching Engineering physics to undergraduate students (1st year B. Tech.) of all branches of Engineering and Technology of the University, while for research scholars, we have active research groups working in forefront of cutting-edge research.

The Department of Physics has been a pioneer in research for a long back and produced more than 50 Ph.D. students, till date. Now, most of the Ph.D. students, hold reputed positions at various Universities in India and abroad and lead various research groups in the field of Physics, Material Science, and Chalcogenide Glasses. This Department has also published more than 500 research papers in various international/national journals, since its inception and has undertaken several research projects from CSIR, DST, UGC, etc.

The Department of Physics, HBTU Kanpur offers generous support to all the incoming students and a friendly environment in which the aspirants may explore their abilities.


To contribute significantly to the nation by excellent scientific, technological education and research by offering state of the art Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral programs.


  • To provide state of the art teaching in physics to undergraduate students, so that they could be able to contribute significantly to the society so as to empower the mankind globally.
  • To produce Ph.D. students with analytical skills, so that they could prove themselves as an asset to the society as a researcher, scientist, teachers and would be capable to handle the organization as a professional leader.


M.Sc. in Physics (Specialization in Materials Science & Nanotechnology)

Dr. S.K. Sharma

Professor & Head

: [email protected]

: 9721456080

Dr. Manoj Kumar


: [email protected]

: 7827861662

Dr. Abhishek Kumar Gupta

Associate Professor

: [email protected]

: 6389950706

Dr. Braj Bhusan Singh

Assistant Professor

: [email protected]

: 8763374608

Dr. Divya Somvanshi

Assistant Professor

: [email protected]


Dr. Suresh Kumar Sharma

Guest Faculty

: [email protected]

: 9936815134

View / Download Faculty Details Year Wise

Staff Members
01 Outsource staff for office work.

Will be available soon.

Department of Physics, HBTU Kanpur, have various Laboratory for UG and PG Teaching and to carry out various research activities, the details are listed here:

List of Teaching Laboratories:

List of Research Laboratories:

Research/ Project/ Consultancy

Sr. No.Project NameFunding Agency Role (PI/Co-PI)DurationAmount
1 Graphene and Two-Dimensional (2D) Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
(TMDCs) Materials based Hybrid Photodetectors
DST New DelhiDr. Divya Somvanshi (PI)2017
to 2023
35 Lakhs


Sr. No.Academic sessionDetails of the Event No. of Participants
12022-23One day Webinar on Atomistic Next Generation Materials & Device Simulation using
NanoDCAL & RESCU Software” 19 Nov 2022.
Brochure (Link) || Report of the event (Link)
22021-22Online Expert Lecture, on “Revolution of Semiconducting Devices and their Future Prospective”, 13 November 2021
Brochure (Link) || Report of the event (Link)
32021-22Online Expert Lecture, Nanohybrid Materials: Synthesis, Investigation and Applications”, 13 November 2021
Brochure (Link) || Report of the event (Link)
42021-22Online Expert Lecture, on “Transport Properties of Nano-Crystalline Thin Films and its Applications”, 30 October 2021
Brochure (Link) || Report of the event (Link)
52021-22Online Webinar on “Current Status and Future Prospectus of Solar Cells”, 29 Oct 2021
Brochure (Link) || Report of the event (Link)
62021-22Online Expert Lecture on “Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Nano-Materials”, 28 Oct 2021
Brochure (Link) || Report of the event (Link)
72021-22Online Expert Lecture on “Effect of Quenching Rate on Thermal Behavior of Chalcogenide Glasses”, 30 Sept 2021
Brochure (Link) || Report of the event (Link)
82021-22Online Expert Lecture on “Applications and Perspectives of Chalcogenide Glasses in Electronics and Optoelectronics”, 28 Sep 2021
Brochure (Link) || Report of the event (Link)
9 2018-19Three-Day Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Condensed Matter Physics”, 29-30 November and 01 December 2018
Brochure (Link) || Report of the event (Link)


Physics department is running Ph. D. programme for the last 25 years and has produced more than 30 Ph.D. in the area of condensed matter physics (non-oxide glassy semiconductors) and X-ray spectroscopy. The current research interest are in the area of Amorphous Semiconductors particularly optoelectronic properties and their applications.


Sr. No.Academic session
1S. Chowdhury, Abhinav Pratap Singh, S. Jit, P. Venkateswaran and Divya. Somvanshi, p-WSe2 Nanosheets/ n-WS2 Quantum Dots/p-Si (2D-0D-3D) Mixed-Dimensional Multilayer Heterostructures Based High-Performance Broadband Photodetector, IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, 2024 Link: https://doi.org/10.1109/TNANO.2024.3385834 (In press)
2Divya Somvanshi and S. Jit, Advances in 2D materials based mixed-dimensional heterostructures photodetectors: Present status and challenges, Materials Science in Semiconducting Processing, Vol 164, 107598, 2023.
3S. Chowdhury, A. Mishra, P. Venkateswaran, Divya Somvanshi, Electronic structure and optical properties of GaTe/MoTe2 based vdW heterostructure under mechanical strain and external electric fields, Materials Science in Semiconducting Processing, Vol. 163, 15 August 2023, 107572 (Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2023.107572)
4S. Chowdhury, P. Venkateswaran, Divya Somvanshi, Strain-dependent doping and optical absorption in Al-doped graphene-like ZnO monolayer, Solid State Communications, 365, 115139, 2023(Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2023.115139)4
5S. Chowdhury, P. Venkateswaran, Divya Somvanshi, “Biaxial strain tuning of the electronic and optical properties of Nb, Ta and Re-doped WSe2 monolayer: a first-principles study”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Elsevier, vol. 653, pp-414668, 2023, (Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2023.414668)
6Alok Singh, Savita Singh, Sudhir K Sharma, “Experimental Study of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Nano-carbon Areca Fiber Powder Reinforced Epoxy Composites”, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, 2023 Singapore. (Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8517-1_26)
7 Alok Singh, Savita Singh, Sudhir K Sharma, “Mathematical Modeling: Magnetic Field Effect on Oscillatory MHD Couette Two Dimensional Flow Regime” Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.(Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8517-1_33, 2023)
8 Alok Singh, Savita Singh, Sudhir K Sharma. Experimental Analysis of Nano-Carbon Doped Alumina for Industrial Applications. Journal of Polymer & Composites. 2022; 10(Special Issue 1): S44–S49, 2022, (Link: https://doi.org/10.37591/JoPC)https://doi.org/10.37591/JoPC)
9Anjani Kumar, R. K. Shukla and Rajeev Gupta, Study of optical parameters of sulphur doped Se-As thin films as optical materials, Optik, vol. 243,pp.167447, 2021, (Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2021.167447)
10Savita Singh, Alok Singh and Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Analytical Prediction Models for Density, Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Strength of Micro-scaled Areca Nut Powder-Reinforced Epoxy Composites. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, vol.101, pp-43-51, 2020 (Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40032-019-00535-9)
11Anjani Kumar, A. Kumar, R.K. Shukla, and Rajeev Gupta, Light-Induced Effects and Defects in Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductors: A Review, Infrared Physics & Technology,vol. 102.pp.103056-103062, 2019, (Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infrared.2019.103056)
12 Pravin Kumar Singh, Suresh Kumar Sharma, S.K.Tripathi, D.K.Dwivedi,Study of dielectric relaxation and thermally activated a.c. conduction in multicomponent Ge10-xSe60Te30Inx (0 ≤ x ≤ 6) chalcogenide glasses using CBH model, Results in Physics, vol.12, pp. 223-236, 2019, (Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2018.11.048)
13Savita Singh, Alok Singh, Sudhir K. Sharma, Nano Polymer Composites: Mechanical Strength, Thermal Conductivity and Fractography of Date Seed Ash Reinforced Epoxy Composites”, Adv. Sci. Engg. Med., vol. 10, pp. 850-853, (2018), (Link: https://doi.org/10.1166/asem.2018.2256) https://doi.org/10.1166/asem.2018.2256)
14D. Sharma, J.C. Macdonald, R. K. Shukla, A. Kumar, Existence of three activation energies in the melting transition of SeInAg glassy alloys, Trends in Physical Chemistry, vol. 16, pp. 87-94, (2017)(Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/306375191_Existence_of_Three_Activation_Energy_in_Glassy_Se90In8Ag2_Alloys)
15Savita Singh, Alok Singh and S. K. Sharma, Analytical Modeling for Mechanical Strength Prediction with Raman Spectroscopy and Fractured Surface Morphology of Novel Coconut Shell Powder Reinforced: Epoxy Composites,Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Springer, vol. 98,pp.235-240, (2017), (Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40032-016-0254-9)
16Anjani Kumar, A. Kumar, R.K. Shukla, and Rajeev Gupta, Role Of Ag Additives On Light Induced Metastable Defects In Se-In Glassy System, Journal Of Taibah University for Science,11, 1289-1295, (2017). (Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtusci.2017.05.003)
17Suresh Kumar Sharma, R. K. Shukla, A. Kumar, Dielectric Properties and A.C. Conductivity in Glassy Se90Sb10: Estimation of Density of Defect States, Mater. Focus,vol. 6, pp. 615-619, (2017), (Link: https://doi.org/10.1166/mat.2017.1444)
18Suresh Kumar Sharma, R. K. Shukla, A. Kumar, Sharma D., Presence of two Barrier Heights in Se90In8Ag2 Glassy Alloys, Mater. Focus, vol. 6, pp. 486-489 (2017), (Link: https://doi.org/10.1166/mat.2017.1435)
19Suresh Kumar Sharma, R. K. Shukla, A. Kumar, Sharma D., Presence of two Barrier Heights in Se90In8Ag2 Glassy Alloys, Mater. Focus, vol. 6, pp. 486-489 (2017), (Link: https://doi.org/10.1166/mat.2017.1435)
20Suresh Kumar Sharma, D. Kumar, N. Chandel, N. Mehta, Study of Thermo-Mechanical and Dielectric Properties in Glassy Se90In10-xAgx (0 ≤ x ≤ 8) alloys, Mater. Focus, vol. 6, pp. 453-456 (2017), (Link: https://doi.org/10.1166/mat.2017.1427)

List of Conference proceeding (2017-present)

Sr. No.Academic session
1 S Chowdhury, P Venkateswaran, D Somvanshi, “Interlayer twist angle-dependent electronic structure and optical properties of InSe/WTe2 van der Waals heterostructure”, IEEE International Conference of Electron Devices Society Kolkata (EDKCON), India,26-27 November 2022, Pages: 325-328, (Link 10.1109/EDKCON56221.2022.10032930)
2 S Chowdhury, P Venkateswaran, D Somvanshi, Strain-Induced Electronic Structure and Bandgap Transition in Bilayer of AB and AA Stacking Order, 2022 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), Kolkata, India, 10-11 Dec, 2022, IEEE Conference Proceeding, Pages: 191-195,(Link 10.1109/CALCON56258.2022.10060824)
3 Savita Singh, Alok Singh and Sudhir Kumar Sharma, “Mechanical Strength and Thermal Conductivity of Nano-carbon Areca Fiber Powder Reinforced Epoxy Composites”, Nanotechnology for better living Theme: Technological Advancements of Polymer Composites, ISBN: 978-981-18-3189-8Research Publishing, SingaporeVol-4, No-1,Year: 2019.
4Savita Singh, Alok Singh and Sudhir Kumar Sharma, “Nano Polymer Composites: Mechanical Strength, Thermal Conductivity and Fractography of Date Seed Ash Reinforced Epoxy Composites” published in International Conference on Nano science & Nanotechnology (ICNN-2017) proceeding at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University), Lucknow, India, September 22-24,2017.
55. Savita Singh, Alok Singh and Sudhir Kumar Sharma, “Mechanical Strength, Thermal Conductivity and Fractography of Micro-scaled Date Seed Powder Reinforced Epoxy Composites” published in International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations and Initiatives (ICN:3I-2017) proceeding Vol.1, page no. 147, December 06 – 08, 2017 at IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.

List of Conference proceeding (2017-present)

Sr. No.Publication YearName of BooksISBN No. Name of Publisher
1Principles of Engineering Physics2011978-81-8378-061-2 Ira Publication, Kanpur
2Fundamentals of Engineering Physics2011978-81-8378-060-5 Ira Publication, Kanpur
3 Electrical Engineering Materials2012 978-1-25-900620-3McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi
4Engineering Physics Vol.-II2014 978-93-325-3643-3Pearson Education, New Delhi
5Engineering Physics Theory & Practicals2021 978-1638867593Notion Press, Delhi


Dr. S. K. Sharma
Email : [email protected]
Mobile: 9721456080


Sr. No.NameDesignation & Affiliation
1Dr. Mohammad ZulfequarProfessor, Department of Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
2Dr. A.K. Agnihotri Professor, Department of Physics, Brahmanand College, Kanpur
3Dr. Surya Kant Tripathi Professor, Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh
4 Dr. Pragya AgarwalProfessor, Department of Physics, DBS College Kanpur
5 Dr. Renuka AroraAssociate Professor, Department of Physics, PPN College, Kanpur
6Dr. Krishna Kant SrivastavaProfessor, Department of Physics, DBS College Kanpur
7Dr. Santosh KumarProfessor, Department of Physics, Christ Church College, Kanpur
8Dr. Neeraj MehtaProfessor, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University (BHU),Varanasi
9Dr. Dipti Sharma Professor, Department of Physics, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts
10 Dr. Nityanand ChoudharyProfessor, Department of Physics, JSS Academy of Technical Education Bangalore
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