(Formerly Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur)

DVV Criterion II

Deviation Details Findings of DVV HEI
Response Number of seats available year wise during the last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 1353 | 2020-21 : 1093
2019-20 : 880 | 2018-19 : 724
2017-18 : 719
DVV suggested Input :
2021-22 : 1273 | 2020-21 : 1013
2019-20 : 800 | 2018-19 : 644
2017-18 : 644
Change Input (Optional) :
2021-22 : | 2020-21 :
2019-20 : | 2018-19 :
2017-18 :
Input edited excluding the PhD students. Kindly provide the following documents;
1)List containing the number of applications received for each of the programs
as endorsed by competent authority.
2)Document relating to sanction of intake as approved by competent authority
meetings highlighting the specific agenda item relevant to the metric, year- wise
2.1.2 Average percentage of seats filled against reserved categories
(SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc.) as per applicable reservation policy
during the last five years (Excluding Supernumerary Seats)
Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year wise
during last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 426| 2020-21 : 411
2019-20 : 387| 2018-19 : 324
2017-18 : 324
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Copy of the letter issued by the State govt. or Central Government
Indicating the reserved categories(SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc.)
to be considered as per the state rule (Translated copy in English
2)Final admission list indicating the category as published by the
HEI and endorsed by the competent authority
3)Admission extract submitted to the state OBC, SC and ST cell every year.
4)Number of seats year marked for the reserved categories
2.2.2 Student – Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)Provide the list of students serial wise which is easily to analyzed.Response
2.3.3Ratio of students to mentor for academic and other related issues
(Data for the latest completed academic year ) Number of mentors मार्गदर्शकानांसङ्ख्या
HEI Input :
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)issues raised and resolved in the mentor system has to be
attached mentor-wise
2.4.1Average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned
posts during the last five years
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Provide the list of full time teachers year wise duly signed by
competent authority.
2)Appointment letter of teachers year wise.
2.4.2Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B
Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit. year-wise during the last five years
Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B
Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. year wise during the last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 105 | 2020-21 : 74
2019-20 : 74| 2018-19 : 69
2017-18 : 62
Kindly provide the following documents;
1) List of faculty having Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit
along with particulars of the degree awarding university, subject
and the year of award.
2) Degrees awarded by UGC recognized universities only to be considered
2.4.3Average teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution
(Data for the latest completed academic year in number of years) Total experience of full-time teachers
HEI Input : 1461.92
Kindly provide the following documents;
1) List of faculty along with particulars of the date of
Appointment in the HEI and years of experience only
in the same institution duly signed by competent authority.
2) Experience certificate
2.4.4 Average percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition,
fellowships at State, National, International level from Government/Govt.
recognised bodies during the last five years Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state /national /international level from
Government/Govt. recognized bodies year wise during the last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 45 | 2020-21 : 51
2019-20 : 56 | 2018-19 : 46
2017-18 : 23
Note: Participation / presentation certificates – during paper presentation etc., are not consideredResponse
2.5.1Average number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination
till the declaration of results year-wise during the last five years Number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination
till the declaration of results year wise during the last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 18| 2020-21 : 17
2019-20 : 15| 2018-19 : 18
2017-18 : 20
Kindly add the no. number of days elapsed in between,
for all the programs for each year during the last five years
2.5.2Average percentage of student complaints/grievances about evaluation
against total number appeared in the examinations during the last five years Number of complaints/grievances about evaluation year wise during
the last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 8| 2020-21 : 6
2019-20 : 4 | 2018-19 : 1
2017-18 : 4
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Minutes of the grievance cell / relevant body
2)List the number of students who have applied for revaluation/ re-totalling
program wise and the total certified by the Controller of Examinations
year-wise for the assessment period
2.5.4Status of automation of Examination division along
with approved Examination Manual
HEI Input : 100% automation of entire division & implementation
of Examination Management System (EMS)
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)The report on the present status of automation of examination
division including screenshots of various modules of the software.
2)Copies of the purchase order and bills/AMC of the software.
3)If the EMS is outsourced, copy of the relevant contract and copies
of bills of payment to be provided
2.6.3Pass Percentage of students (Data for the latest completed academic year) Total number of final year students who passed the examination conducted by
Institution. HEI Input :661 Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination conducted
by the Institution.
HEI Input :
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Annual report of COE highlighting the pass percentage of students
2)Certified report from the Controller of Examinations indicating the pass
percentage of students of the final year (final semester) eligible for the
degree program-wise / year-wise
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