- The Dean of Continuing Education and Internal Quality Assurance shall be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, from amongst the Professors of the University. The emoluments, terms and conditions of service and powers and duties shall be st1ch as maybe laid down in the Ordinances, He shall work directly under the control of the Vice Chancellor.
- He shall hold office for a term of two years and may be eligible for re-appointment for one consecutive term.
- He shall be responsible for Internal Quality Assurance and Continuing Education.
- He shall be responsible for overall admmistrat1on of University Hospital through its Chief Medical Officer.
- He shall get comments from reputed industries of concerned fields for review or change in syllabi of the courses of study to Academic Council in various departments.
- He shall visit faculty chambers, classes and laboratories and other entities and write to University Building &Works Committee and others, with information to Vice Chancellor, for removal of observed deficiencies.