Board of Studies

View BoS Minutes of Meeting

Board of Studies

The powers and functions of the Board of Studies shall be :-
(a) To recommend books, including text-books, supplementary reading, reference books and other material for courses of study;
(b) To recommend to the Academic Council for its approval, the preparation and publication of selection or anthologies or writing or work of authors and other matters as well as material consequent to curriculum development by the teachers of the University for its introduction in the syllabi of the courses of study under purview of the Board in accordance with the Regulations made by the Academic Council in that respect;
(c) to recommend names of suitable of persons for inclusion in the panels for appointment of paper setters, examiners and moderators for examinations;
(d) to review the syllabi of the courses of study and include the comments or contents based on requirement from reputed industries in concerned fields;
(2) The quorum shall be half of the members of total number of members.
(3) The meeting of Board of Studies shall take place twice every year.