Dr. S.V.A.R Sastry
Assoc. Dean, Research & Development
: 7093423964

Prof. Raghuraj Singh
Dean, Research & Development
: +91 7081300638
Appointment, Responsibilities and Powers as per HBTU Act 2016
- The Dean of Research and Development shall be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, from amongst the Professors of the University. The emoluments, terms and conditions of service and powers and. duties shall be such as may be laid down in the Ordinances. He shall work directly under the control of the Vice-Chancellor.
- He shall hold office for a term of two years and may be eligible for re-appointment for one consecutive term.
- He shall be the Member Secretary of the University Research & Development Council.
- He shall be responsible for promoting research activities as well as patenting process of the products, algorithms, and mechanisms etc. for the University.
- Establishing an administrative structure within the University to support the Research and Development activities.
- Framing the norms for undertaking Research work and facilitating administrative processes to improve the overall quality of research for betterment of society.
- Motivating Faculty members and Research Scholars for cutting-edge research, innovation and incubation.
- Encouraging the undertaking of research projects from various funding agencies/sponsors. Lot of projects has been submitted to various funding agencies.
- Encouraging collaborative and interdisciplinary research.
- Encouraging Faculty members for undertaking consultancy projects.
- Promoting collaborative research projects, supervision and publications with other Research Organizations/Universities.
- Signing MOU’s with IIT Kanpur and other Government/Semi-government/Private agencies to enhance the Research facilities.
Some projects for the development of prototype in the following areas are already running:
a) Education- Learning content for disadvantaged communities
b) Healthcare- Assistive technology and Designing of low cost medical equipment
c) Livelihood- Sustainable agricultural technologies, Precision manufacturing at affordable costs, Appropriate Technology for SMEs and Cottage industry
d) Environment- Treatment of water, Health monitoring of environment, Disposal-Segregation and Recycling of waste.
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