Department Profile

The department of Biochemical Engineering came in to its independent existence as a separate department with inception of Harcourt Butler Technical University (earlier known as H.B.T.I.), Kanpur in the month of September 2016. Earlier, the department was established in1964 as twin department of Biochemical Engineering and Food Technology and completed 56 glorious years of its journey. The department is running four year full time undergraduate (B.Tech) program and two year full time postgraduate (M.Tech) program for award of B.Tech and M.Tech degree in Chemical Technology with specialization in Biochemical Engineering. In addition to this the department also offers admission to Ph.D program. The laboratories of the department are well equipped with modern facilities to meet necessities of various programs and to acquaint the student with latest practices used in industries and research areas relevant to Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology. The faculty members of the department are instrumental in enriching students with knowledge and skills that enable them to serve the industries and research organizations. The department has been granted various projects with financial assistance approved by reputed organizations for example CST, DBT, and World Bank. (TEQIP –I,TEQIP-II and TEQIP-III ) Recently, the department was awarded three projects in continuation by CPCB Delhi. The department has successfully organized a number of National and International seminars, workshops, conferences, and Faculty Development Programs. Various literary and technical programs organized almost every year by the students of the department enhancing creativity and productivity of students. The department is also actively involved in testing and consultancy work. The alumni of the department are highly placed in various industrial and other government and private sector organizations, contributing their best in growth and development of the nation and for benefit of the society. The department has a clear vision in enhancement of its capabilities in future by updating the faculty members and students with latest technical know hows through modernization of laboratories and periodic review of syllabus.
The department of Biochemical Engineering aspires to be globally recognized center to develop professionals with technical knowledge and skills, leadership qualities and strong ethical values for successful career in Biochemical and allied industries, research and development organizations.
The mission of the Department of Chemical Technology- Biochemical Engineering
- M1 : To develop state-of-the-art facilities to impart technical knowledge and skill to the graduate and post graduate students for Biochemical and allied industries and research organizations.
- M2 : To be a center of research and development for betterment of society in sustainable manner.
- M3 : To develop state-of-art the technologies for testing and consultancy for industry and society.
- M4 : To cultivate strong ethical values to be a successful professionals and to become life-long learners.
Program Educational objectives (PEOs) for B.Tech. Chemical Technology- Biochemical Engineering
The educational objectives of B. Tech. Chemical Technology-Biochemical Engineering program are:
- PEO1 : To produce globally competent technical manpower in the field of Biochemical processing, product formation and in the allied areas to cater the need of the country.
- PEO2 : To impart knowledge for development of innovative designs, production materials and processes for sustainable development of society.
- PEO3 : To serve the industry to meet the challenges in terms of quality assurance and standardization to withstand the global competiveness.
- PEO4 : To be able to discharge duties with professional attitudes and ethics.
- Development of Biochemistry & Molecular Lab-This lab is proposed to be developed in existing Chemical Reaction Engineering lab,housed in room 1-121 situated between BE department labs after shifting of Chemical Engineering department into the new building in very near future.
- Environmental Biotechnology Lab- This lab is proposed to be developed in existing Energy lab situated in vicinity of BE department’s labs, after shifting of chemical Engineering department into the new building in very near future.
- Departmental Library would be setup soon -This library is proposed to be developed in existing Energy lab situated between BE department labs after shifting of chemical Engineering department into the new building .
- There are two MoU (Memorandam of Understanding) is going to be signed with two renowned MNCs.
- To undertake interdisciplinary research project from Industry and other Government organizations.
Program Educational objectives (PEOs) for B.Tech. Chemical Technology- Biochemical Engineering
Departmental Activity
Under Graduate
B.Tech. Biochemical Engineering
B.Tech. Biotechnology (New Course)
B.Pharm (New Course)
Post Graduate
The admission in Ph.D Chemical Technology- Biochemical Engineering is done as per University norms whose advertisement is displayed on University portal also.
Under Graduate
B. Tech. – Biochemical Engineering
- B. Tech. Biochemical Engineering Syllabus (2022-2023)
- B. Tech. Biochemical Engineering Course Structure (2022-2023)
- B. Tech. Biochemical Engineering Syllabus (2019-2020)
- B. Tech. Biochemical Engineering Syllabus (2019-2020)
- B. Tech. Biochemical Engineering Syllabus (2017-2018)
- Basket of Value-Added Courses offered by the Department of Biochemical Engineering
- Basket of Courses offered for Minor Degree in Biochemical Engineering
Course structure for PhD program in different specializations.
PhD courses should be taken by students in consultation with their thesis supervisors.

Dr Rajkamal Kushwaha
Assistant Professor
: +91-7081300606

View / Download Student Details Year Wise
Bench Top Fermentor, Hot Air Oven, Electronic Balance, pH Meter, Autoclave, Steam
Distillation Assembly, Vacuum Pump, Trinocular Research Microscope. Double Beam
UV Visible spectrophotometer, pH Meter, Chiller. Hot Plate, Magnetic Stirrer with Hot
Plate, Refrigerated Centrifuge.
UV/Visible True Double Beam Spectrophotometer, Insulated Environmental Chamber,
Laminar Air Flow Cabinet, B.O.D. Incubator, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Rotary Shaker,
Internal Two Pan Lab Balance, Electronic Balance, Autoclave, Hot Air Oven, pH meter,
Distillation Unit, Deep Freezer, Incubator, Bifocal Microscope. Water Bath Shaker,
True Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotomer, Laminar Air Flow Cabinet, Double Water
Still Distillation, Refrigerated and Heating Water Circulation, Constant Temp and
Humidity Chamber, Orbital Shaker Model, High Speed Cooling Centrifuge, Fermentor
System, Autoclave, Deep freezer, Refrigerated Orbital Incubator Shaker, Rotary Vacuum
Evaporator, Lyophilizer, Muffle Furnace, Laboratory Centrifuge, Water Bath Incubator
Micro Processor Gas Chromatograph, Bioreactor, Auto Clave, Trinocular Research
Microscope, Ultrasonic Processor, Digital Analytical Balance, Vacuum pump, Orbital
Shaker, Hot Air Oven, Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate, Steam Distillation Assembly.
View pdf document with images
1. ICT enabled seminar hall
Department of Biochemical Engineering has an air conditioned seminar hall with a seating capacity of 40 persons. The seminar hall is equipped with the modern ICT facilities like projection system, computer and internet facility etc. This facility is used to hold the guest lectures, seminars and other similar activities in the department.
view Geo tagged images of ICT enabled seminar hall
2. ICT enabled classroom
Department of Biochemical Engineering has a well-furnished class room with a seating capacity of 100 persons. The class room is equipped with the modern ICT facilities like projection system, interactive board, computer system, sound system etc. This class room is used for conducting the theory classes of undergraduate and post graduate students of the department.
view Geo tagged images of ICT enabled classroom
The Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC) is primarily meant for the students of B. Tech, M. Tech. and PhD students under the aegis of School of Chemical Technology for the research work efficiently.
1. Design Expert Software (10 User)
2. STATISTICA (5 User, 5 years)
3. MATLAB & Simulink
4. Origin Lab Professional (10 Users)
The Department Library at Department of Biochemical Engineering, HBTU Kanpur serves as a significant organ of academic activity in the Department. The Department has a rich & decent collection of books, periodicals and reports in the domain of biochemical and allied disciplines. It also has one copy each of all B. Tech. projects, M. Tech. and PhD dissertations carried out in the department in recent years. All these cater to the needs of students and faculty. Most of the books are of recent edition with the facility of issuing these for a specified time period. The library serves to provide a clean and calm ambience conductive to long hours of study. The library opens on all working days of the Institute from 9 AM to 5:00 PM. To keep pace with the ever-expanding field of knowledge the library is being updated from time to time.
The Computer Lab is focused to provide additional resources to promote research work using open sources and providing internet for thesis and project work.
Open Resources
1. SciLab
2. ImageJ
Research/ Project/ Consultancy
Conference / seminar / workshop/ webinar
- View Report on Celebration of World Environment Day – 2023
- View Type of Activity Organized
- View Expert Lecture conducted by BE Department on Nov 30, 2022
- View Expert Lecture organized by BE Department, Nov 30, 2022
- View One-Day Webinar on Entrepreneurs’ Development in the Area of Biotechnology was organized by Department of Biochemical Engineering on 12November, 2022 in online mode via google meet.
- View Faculty Development Program On “Microbes’ Potential to Bail out the Energy Crisis” December 15-20, 2022
- View Expert Lecture organized by BE Department, Sept 30, 2022
- View Expert Lecture organized by BE Department, Oct 31, 2022
- View FDP Brochure 2021
- View Webinar Brochure 2021
- View FDP Brochure 2020
The faculty members are actively involved in research activities and publishing the research work in reputed journals. The details of the publications are provided in the bio-data of individual faculty members.
View Publication of the department
- View List of Notable Alumni of BE department
- View minutes of meeting-1 interactions with alumnus held in the Biochemical Engineering Department
- View minutes of meeting-2 interactions with alumnus held in the Biochemical Engineering Department
- View minutes of meeting-3 interactions with alumnus held in the Biochemical Engineering Department
- View minutes of meeting with alumnus held in the Biochemical Engineering Department-Dated 04-11-2022
- View Alumni Interaction-Dated 21-11-2022
- ViewAlumni Interaction-Dated 02-12-2022