Harcourt Butler Technical University (Formerly Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur) has always been a paragon and a source of inspiration in the field of science and technology since the year 1921. Now, as per Act No. 11 of 2016 by the government of Uttar Pradesh it is upgraded to University, i.e, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur (HBTU, Kanpur). The University has been established with a view for making it a leading Residential University w.e.f 01.09.2016 to become a “Centre of Excellence” with focus on Research and Development and Incubation in the field of Engineering, Technology, Basic & Applied Sciences, Humanities, Social Science & Management and other professional courses. HBTU, Kanpur aims to promote studies, research & innovation in engineering areas of higher education, to enhance skill development through continuing education programme and to achieve excellence in higher technical education.
On academic front, the University is running four schools namely, School of Engineering (SoE); School of Chemical Technology (SoCT); School of Basic & Applied Sciences (SoBAS) and School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SoHSS). The University offers thirteen Undergraduate Programmes (B.Tech.) in Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Information Technology, Leather Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Food Technology, Oil Technology, Paint Technology and Plastic Technology and one undergraduate programme in Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) programme. It also offers M.Tech. programmes in eleven specializations. In addition, it runs a regular Master of Computer Application (M.C.A), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Science (M.Sc.) in three streams (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics). The University also offers doctoral programme in all the departments. Four departments of the University namely, Civil, Mechanical, Electronics and Chemical Engineering are recognized Quality Improvement Program (QIP) Centres for Ph.D. programmes.
The University provides a congenial environment for the holistic growth and all round development of the students such that they become globally acceptable personalities with communication skills, aptitude, problem solving capabilities and to work as a team.
HBTU Kanpur has received aid from the World Bank (Phases TEQIP-I, TEQIP-II & TEQIP-III) for various developmental projects. This aid has been utilized for development of the infrastructure, new laboratory equipments, maintenance and modernization of old laboratory equipments etc.
The faculty members have contributed large numbers of research papers in Indian as well as International journals. Besides, many R&D Schemes sponsored by D.S.T, U.G.C, I.C.A.R, D.R.D.O.,U.P.C.S.T., C.S.I.R., D.A.E., I.C.M.R.,D.O.E. and Ministry of Civil supplies have been successfully completed. All these accomplishments definitely prove it to be a fecund ground for nurturing intellects.
It all started in 1920 with the establishment of the Government Research Institute, Cawnpore (Kanpur) by the efforts and great determination of Sir Spencer Harcourt Butler, the then Governor of United Provinces (present Uttar Pradesh). Next year, Institute was renamed as Government Technical Institute and its foundation stone was laid on November 25, 1921. Later on, Institute was given its all famous name – Harcourt Butler Technological Institute (HBTI) in 1926. The onwards march continued with vigour and HBTI since 1921, has always been a paragon and a source of inspiration in the field of science and technology. It has maintained its conspicuous presence in the technical world. HBTI has a history of realization and fulfilment of necessities and advancement as per current needs. It is dedicated to the cause of rapid industrial development, creating a healthy environment for applied researches and, above all, to carve out men and women, having a truly rational and scientific demeanour. ‘Attitude’ is the watchword – taking care of which, the personality of every harcourtian is moulded. Its roots are as deep as its outlook. We built a legacy over a period of time and autonomous status was granted to HBTI in 1965. Our great heritage and traditions with long years of continuous efforts brought us in a community of a selected few technical institutes of India. Government of Uttar Pradesh, by Act No. 11 of 2016, upgraded us to Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur on September 01, 2016 with the mandate to be a leading Residential University and to become a Centre of Excellence with focus on research and development in the field of engineering, technology, science, humanities, management etc.
The University is spread across two campuses – the East Campus (77 acres) and the West Campus (251.8 acres) which are situated about 3 km apart in the very heart of Kanpur. We completed glorious 100 years on November 25, 2021 and the Centenary Celebration function was attended by the Hon’ble President of India.
“To achieve excellence in technical education, research and innovation”
- Imparting Knowledge to develop analytical ability in science and technology to serve the industry and society at large.
- Equip and enable students with conceptual, technical and managerial skills to transform the organization and society.
- Inculcating entrepreneurial philosophy and innovative thinking to promote research, consultancy and institutional social responsibility.
- Serving people, society and nation with utmost professionalism, values and ethics to make development sustainable and quality of life.
Ordinance Effective From 2023-24
Ordinance Effective From 2022-23
Ordinance Effective From 2021-22
Ordinance (Effective From Session 2019-20 for New Entrants)
Ordinance (Effective From Session 2017-18 For New Entrants)
Minutes Of Meeting
- Executive Council : Minutes of Meeting
- Finance Committee : Minutes of Meeting
- Academic Council : Minutes of Meeting
- Admission Committee : Minutes of Meeting
- Central Purchase Committee : Minutes of Meeting
- BoS : Minutes of Meeting
- Board of Examination : Minutes of Meeting
- Building and Works Committee : Minutes of Meeting

Among the magnificient structure of the “Shatabadi Bhavan” and “Shatabadi Stambh” commemorating the “Eternal Legacy” of excellence in Technical Education, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur (HBTU, Kanpur) celebrated its 100 years of establishment on 25th November, 2021 in the benign presence of Hon’ble President of India along with Hon’ble Chancellor and Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Hon’ble Minister, Technical Education wherein, the University released the Coffee table book & history book, Grounding of Time Capsule in Shatabadi Stambh (approximately 10 m below the ground level), Shatabadi postage stamp and Shatabadi coin etc.
Harcourt Butler Technical University celebrated Centenary Year (1921-2021)
As part of the University’s centenary celebrations, we showcased ‘Our 100’ – 100 things that define our past, present, and future.
Since 1921 Harcourt Butler Technical University (Formerly HBTI Kanpur) has always been a paragon and a source of inspiration in the field of science and technology. It has maintained its conspicuous presence in the technical world. H.B.T.I. has a history of realization, fulfilment of necessities and advancement in the field of science and technology. It is dedicated for the cause of rapid industrial development, creating a healthy environment for applied researches and above all to carve out men and women, having a truly rational and scientific demeanour. ‘Attitude’ is the watchword – taking care of which the personality of every Harcourtian is moulded. Its roots are as deep as its outlook. “Government Research Institute, Cawnpore” was established in 1920, which was renamed as “Government Technological Institute” in 1921. Finally in 1926 it got the name by which we know it today “Harcourt Butler Technological Institute”. Now as per Act No. 11 of 2016 by the Government of Uttar Pradesh it become university, i.e., Harcourt Butler Technical University Kanpur.
Proclaiming the motto of ‘Work is Great Austerity’ as our action in words, this organization keeps adding human resources to achieve excellence in technical education, research and innovation. The University has a rich legacy, tradition and glorious past which propelled it to become of the prestigious institutions of Northern India. It has a strong alumni base spread across the globe who are carrying forward its legacy and culture in their respective fields. Our cherished ritual that give us strength is the blend of theoretical, practical and behavioral aspects of technical education, excellence in research, positive changes and brilliance in every walk and thought.