(Formerly Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur)

Post Graduate (PG) Programmes offered by the University

S. No.CourseDepartmentSpecialization Total Available Seats
AUnder School of Engineering
M.Tech. Civil EngineeringCivil EngineeringEnvironmental Science and Engineering18
M.Tech. Computer Science & EngineeringComputer Science & Engineering Computer Science and Engineering 30
M.Tech. Electrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering Power Electronics and Control 30
M.Tech. Electronics EngineeringElectronics EngineeringElectronics and Communication Engineering18
M.Tech Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering Computer Aided Design 18
Master of Computer Application (MCA)Computer Science & Engineering78
BUnder School of Chemical Technology
M.Tech. Biochemical EngineeringBiochemical EngineeringBiochemical Engineering 12
M.Tech Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering 18
M.Tech Food TechnologyFood Technology Food Technology11
M.Tech Oil TechnologyOil TechnologyOil Technology 11
M.Tech Plastic TechnologyPlastic TechnologyPlastic Technology 15
M.Tech Paint TechnologyPaint TechnologyPaint Technology 15
CUnder School of Entrepreneurship & Management
Master of Business Administration (MBA)Department of Management Studies 240
DUnder School of Basic Sciences
MSc in Mathematics Mathematics Data Science 38
MSc in PhysicsPhysicsM.Sc. Physics (Specialization in Materials Science & Nanotechnology) 38
MSc in Chemistry Chemistry Chemical Sciences 38
BS-MSMathematics Mathematics and Data Science 38
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