Department Profile
Kanpur is the only place in Northern India imparting Under Graduate courses in Leather Technology. The department was established in the year 1978 (then HBTI). It is reputed for producing quality engineers who serve leading firms and different sectors of the industry. The department has continuous interaction with Industry for Training, Exposure and Awareness.
Department of Leather Technology at HBTU aims at being a leader of innovation in the area of Leather to produce quality technologists of world standards to deliver the benefits of the developed technologies to the people.
- To achieve academic excellence and practical knowledge in the fields of Leather, Leather Application, and allied areas.
- To inculcate technical competence in students for formulation, manufacture and application of advanced Leather with eco -friendly and sustainable approach.
- To develop state-of-art facilities for testing and consultancy for industry to make the department a center of excellence in the field of Leather at global level.
- To develop indigenous and adaptable technologies related to Leather for small scale production and to develop entrepreneurial skills, towards betterment of society.
Under Graduate
B. Tech. Leather Technology
Under Graduate
Course structure for PhD program in different specializations.
PhD courses should be taken by students in consultation with their thesis supervisors.

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The students are placed in reputed firms like TATA, LANXESS, STAHL etc,. and govt. positions in CLRI, OEF, GLI etc,. The department is connected to the local leather industry of Kanpur as well as other places like Kolkata, Jalandhar, Agra etc,. The students qualify GATE , GRE, CAT, Civil services etc,. regularly.
Micro Biology lab
Trinocular microscope with photographic arrangements, Autoclave, Student Microscope, Stage Micrometer, Centrifuge, Colony Counter Owen, Humidity Owen, Thermostatic Batch, Incubator, Paraffin Embedding Bath, Refrigerator.
Analytical Chemistry Lab
Mechanical shaker, Soxhlet apparatus, Rotaryshack, Vacuum Owen with Vacuum pump, UV-vis spectrophotometer, Electronic Weighing machine.
Leather Processing Lab
Fluffing Machine, Toggle Drier, Setting Machine, Buffing Machine, Spray Booth, Experimental Drum, Tannery Shaving Machine, Hydraulic Press.
Instrumentation Lab
PH Meter, Dissolved Oxygen Meter, Photoelectric Calorimeter, Spectrophotometer, Conductivity Meter, Tintometer Flame Photometer, Densitometer, Digital Conductivity Meter.
Physical Testing Lab
Abrasion Tester, Bursting Strength, Tester Crock Meter, Flexometer, Penetrometer, Tensile Testing Machine.
The department has physical testing laboratory, chemical testing laboratory,microbiology laboratory, computer facilities and Leather processing workshop. All the laboratories have most of the required equipments for efficient conduction of laboratory practicals for the undergraduate students.
Research/ Project/ Consultancy
The students are placed in reputed firms like TATA, LANXESS, STAHL etc,. and govt. positions in CLRI, OEF, GLI etc,. The department is connected to the local leather industry of Kanpur as well as other places like Kolkata, Jalandhar, Agra etc,. The students qualify GATE , GRE, CAT, Civil services etc,. regularly.
Publication Details of Faculty
Paper Published by Sumant Chatterjee in International Union of Leather Technologists & Chemists Societies XXX Congress at Beizing , China in poster presentation category , Topic “Synthetic Resins & Leather Finishing”