(Formerly Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur)

Hostel Facility

Hostels, Student Activities, Sports And Other Facilities For Students

The Harcourt Butler Technical University is spread across two campuses namely East Campus and West Campus. The distance between these two campuses is approximately three kilometers. The main (East) Campus of the University, located near CSA University of Agriculture & Technology which includes administrative, instructional buildings an residential colonies. In addition, it has two hostels for boys namely, Shirdharacharya Hostel, Ramanujan Hostel and six hostels for girl students viz. Alaknanda Hostel, Mandakini Hostel, Gangotri Hostel, Bhagirathi Hostel, Kaveri Hostel, Saraswati Hostel. It also has some residential quarters for administrative officers. The West Campus of the University, located on the road connecting Kanpur Zoo and GT Road houses six boys hostels namely – Abdul Kalam Hostel, Visveswaraya Hostel, Raman Hostel, Vishwakarma Hostel, Ambedkar Hostel, Aryabhatt Hostel. In addition, the West Campus also has residential quarters for most of faculty and staff of the University.

Hostel and Mess rules

a) Hostel Rules

  1. The general management of the hostels will be the responsibility of the wardens. There will be a Hostel Management Committee (HMC), nominated by the Warden for smooth running of the hostel. Wardens may constitute specific committees/subcommittees for specific purposes.
  2. Residents should do nothing which may cause noise and distraction in studies or may be deemed vulgar in any manner.
  3. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to stay at night (09:00 PM to 06:00 AM) in the hostel. Prior permission must be obtained from the warden. If this is not possible due to some urgent reason, the warden should be informed the next morning explaining reasons for such delay. No female guest is allowed to stay in the boys’ hostel and vice-versa under any circumstances either during day or at night.
  4. All the inmates must reside in the accommodation allotted to them. No exchange/ interchange of hostel/room is allowed without prior consent of the Warden.
  5. Furniture provided in the rooms should not be removed and used elsewhere.
  6. All the inmates are required to be present in the hostel during night (08:00 PM to 6:00 AM). Absence from the hostel without prior written permission from warden is illegal.
  7. Heaters/Coolers are not allowed in the hostel. Residents may have personal Computers.
  8. Complaints/difficulties may be conveyed to the General Secretary/Prefect concerned for redressal with due consultation with the warden.
  9. The hostel mess will be run by students under the general supervision of the Warden. The inmates are required to follow the mess rules strictly.
  10. No meetings/assembly is permitted in the hostel without prior permission of the warden.
  11. Students are not permitted to hold any religious or political gathering in hostels
  12. It is mandatory for all inmates to join the hostel mess. However, the wardens may exempt a student from the hostel mess on medical grounds for a specified period.
  13. Students falling sick should inform the warden immediately for making necessary arrangement for their treatment.
  14. Gambling of any kind and use of liquor/drugs is strictly prohibited.
  15. Firearms (even licensed) are not permitted in the hostel. Pets such as dogs etc. are not permitted in the hostel.
  16. All the inmates are required to vacate the hostel during the summer vacation and handover charge of their rooms, furniture, and fittings etc. before leaving. Warden is authorized to break/open a locked room, if needed. University is not responsible for any loss of belongings of the student.
  17. Common room shall be available only from the morning to 10:00 pm in the night. In case of any specific event, the timings for common room may be extended with the written permission of the warden.
  18. Any kind of damaging or sabotaging the hostel property is punishable with a fine from the warden.
  19. The warden can refer the case of violation of code of conduct of the university to the Proctorial Board.

b) Mess Rules

The hostel messes of the university are run as co-operative by the students from last two decades under general supervision of the warden and team of students. The inmates are required to follow the mess rules strictly. All the inmates are required to join the hostel mess. However warden may exempt a student from the hostel mess on medical grounds for a specified period.
All the hostel inmates are required to deposit a sum of Rs. 36,000.00 per annum. Mess Advance Charges of Rs. 18,000.00 per semester will be deposited in respective hostel account at the start of each (odd and even) semester.
At the end of year, the Mess Secretary will prepare the account of the students. No dues will be given to the student by the warden only after all the dues are paid.
The following mess rules are applicable for smooth running of messes:

  1. Mess will be run by the inmates under the general supervision of the Wardens. An Executive Committee consisting of elected or nominated student members of the hostel will be formed for management of the mess. The duties and responsibilities will be divided amongst the members of the committee for smooth running of the mess.
  2. The Mess Secretary will prepare the account with the help of the Committee members and circulate it within 3 days of the closure of the month.
  3. Only full day Mess offs may be allowed to such inmates who have taken prior station leave permission from the wardens.
  4. Outsiders i.e. those not residing in the hostel cannot normally become a member of the mess. However, the Warden is empowered to allow outsiders to take meals in the mess for a brief period only.

c)Student Discipline

General Conduct
Each student shall conduct himself, both within and outside the University, in a manner befitting the traditions of this University. Ragging in any form, inside or outside the University is strictly prohibited. The students are advised to go through the standing orders given below under section 3.4.2. In case of any act of ragging, indiscipline, vandalism and loss to the University property, necessary disciplinary action will be taken by the Chief Proctor/Proctorial Board of the University. The Wardens, Dean and Associate Dean, Students’ Welfare are responsible for welfare issues of all students of the University. The students can also approach the concerned Head of Departments/Faculty Mentors/Wardens/Dean and Associate Dean, Students’ Welfare, for solution to their problems and guidance.

Standing Orders for Students
Students of the University should go through these Standing Orders carefully and also make themselves familiar with the rules, regulations and other instructions. Apart from the standing orders mentioned here they have to abide by the notices/orders issued from time to time, pertaining to their academic, curriculum, and other activities. Any amendments and additions to these standing orders will be notified through notices displayed on the notice boards, website and circulated in the usual manner. In case of any difficulty or requiring assistance, they should contact the authorities concerned as indicated in these orders. The plea of ignorance will not be entertained for any breach of orders in force from time to time. Apart from academic work they are expected to take full participation in other student’s activities also. Students having attendance less than 75% or as decided by the University will not be eligible for appearing in Mid semester and End semester Examinations. They may be debarred from placements, interviews for which they themselves shall be responsible.

Disciplinary matters of students within and outside the University are dealt by the Proctorial Board headed by the Chief Proctor. The Proctorial Board of the University will investigate all the acts of indiscipline reported and shall recommend suitable punishment for approval to the Vice-Chancellor. Violation of the code of conduct by a student or a group of students can be referred to the Chief Proctor.