(Formerly Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur)

DVV Extended Profile

Metric IDDeviation Details Findings of DVV HEI Response
1.1Number of programs offered year-wise for last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 26 | 2020-21 : 24
2019-20 : 22 | 2018-19 : 22
2017-18 : 22
Input edited as per IIQA.
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Brochure/Prospectus mentioning program offered during last five years
1.2Number of departments offering academic programmes
HEI Input : 16
DVV suggested Input: 18
Change Input (Optional) :
Input edited as per SSR. Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Provide the list of departments along with programs offered by the respective departments.
2)Provide the web links of the departments in University.
2.1Number of students year-wise during last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 2998 | 2020-21 : 2667
2019-20 : 2476| 2018-19 : 2381
2017-18 : 2325
Provide the data separately for each program year-wise and program wise.Response
2.2Number of outgoing / final year students year-wise during last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 661| 2020-21 : 445
2019-20 : 449| 2018-19 : 501
2017-18 : 499
Provide the data separately for each program year-wise and program wise.Response
2.3Number of students appeared in the University examination year-wise during the last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 2998| 2020-21 : 2651
2019-20 : 2370| 2018-19 : 2096
2017-18 : 1576
Provide the data separately for each program year-wise and program wise.Response
2.4Number of revaluation applications year-wise during the last 5 years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 8| 2020-21 : 6
2019-20 : 4| 2018-19 : 1
2017-18 : 4
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Provide documents showing the number of applications received for revaluation year-wise,
duly certified by the appropriate authority.
2)In a semester scheme, give data for both odd and even semesters.
3.1Number of revaluation applications year-wise during the last 5 years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 827 | 2020-21 :741
2019-20 : 666| 2018-19 : 446
2017-18 : 430
Note: Same courses offered by different programs should be counted only once.
1)Provide the highlighted syllabus copies of each course program wise.
3.2Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 146| 2020-21 :136
2019-20 : 134| 2018-19 : 134
2017-18 : 136
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Provide the list of all full time teachers indicating the name of the department during the last five years year-wise,
and as authenticated by the Registrar (Academic)
3.3Number of sanctioned posts year-wise during last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 146| 2020-21 :137
2019-20 : 137| 2018-19 : 137
2017-18 : 137
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Official letter(s) of sanction of posts from the statutory body/Government /
Board of Management during the last five years, to be provided year-wise
4.2Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule year-wise during last five years
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 644 | 2020-21 :515
2019-20 : 421| 2018-19 : 421
2017-18 : 330
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Provide documents showing the State Government / Central
Government reservation policy for admission to higher education
4.3Total number of classrooms and seminar halls
HEI Input :76
Change Input (Optional) :
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)List the number of classrooms and seminar halls available.
2)Geo-tagged photos of classrooms and seminar halls
4.4Total number of computers in the campus for academic purpose
HEI Input :1385
Change Input (Optional) :
Note: Exclude the number of computers used for administrative purposes.
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Stock register extracts and duly certified bills of purchase / invoice copies
4.5Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during last five years ( INR in Lakhs)
HEI Input :
2021-22 : 2369.52| 2020-21 :2476.69
2019-20 : 3334.12| 2018-19 : 2201.46
2017-18 : 3103.81
Kindly provide the following documents;
1)Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure duly certified by the Finance officer and Charted Accountant highlighting the salary component
2)Also provide a statement showing the total expenditure excluding the salary component for each of the years as certified by the Finance Officer.
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