Centre of Excellence

Dr. Praveen Kumar Yadav
Incharge Centre Of Excellence
: +91 7081300577
A Center of Excellence on Applied Research, Training and Education in Lipid Science was established in the department of Oil Technology at HBTU, Kanpur under TEQIP-II project of World Bank. The thematic area of the center are as given below:
• Oleo-chemicals and advanced oil processing technologies
• Novel surfactants, eco-efficient soaps and detergents
• Renewable feedstock based technologies for lubricants and fuels
• Nutraceuticals, bioactive compounds
• Eco-efficient polymers and coatings
Under the center following activities were completed successfully:
• Organized a National Workshop on “Advances in Oil Processing” during September 28-29, 2013
• Organized a National Workshop on “Advances in Soaps and Detergents” during March 27- 28, 2014
• Organized a National Workshop on “Innovative Techniques in Vegetable Oil Processing” during September 27- 28, 2014
• Organized a National Conference on “Newer Oleochemicals: Production and Industrial Applications” during January 10-11, 2015
• Organized a National Workshop on “Opportunities and Challenges in Biofuels and Biolubricant” during November 21-22, 2015
• Organized a Practical Training for “Manufacturing Cosmetic Products” during May30 – June 04, 2016
• Organized a Practical Training for “Making low cost plastic products” during July 04 – July 09, 2016
• Organized a Practical Training for “Manufacturing Low cost paints from indigenous cheap raw materials” during July 27 – Aug 01, 2016
• Organized a Faculty Development Program on “Corrosion Control in Chemical and Allied Industries” during August 22-27, 2016
• To strengthen Industry- Institute- Interaction 10 expert lectures were organized from professionals of various industries alongwith an Industry- Institute- Interaction Meet on 27.08.2016
• Industrial Trainings for the Faculty members of department of Oil Technology, Paint Technology and Plastic Technology were organized
• Provided scholarship to the research scholars working in the thematic area
• Established a new Advance Surfactant Laboratory consisting of sophisticated equipments like UV- Visible, FT-IR spectrophotometer, GC-MS spectrometer, Atomic Bomb Calorimeter, Differential Scanning Colorimeter, Thermogravimetric Analyzer, Glossmeter, Multi-fuel Analyzer, Surface Tensiometer, Rheometer, Lovibond Tintometer, High Performance Liquid Chromatograph
• Established a Knowledge Resource Center consisting of 60 hard bound books on thematic area and e- books with 20 desktop computers equipped with software viz. MATLAB, Design Expert, STATISTICA and Origin Pro
• Signed MoU with various industries viz. M/s Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd., Mumbai, M/s FARELABS, Gurgaon, M/s Mineral Oil Corporation, Kanpur and M/s MILINDIA Ltd., Noida