3.5.1 Institution has a policy for consultancy including revenue sharing between the institution and the individual and encourages its faculty to undertake consultancy
Response: Yes
HBTU, Kanpur has a well-defined policy for consultancy and testing, which also includes the terms of revenue sharing between institutions and individual faculty. The policy has been framed for full-time faculty and academic staff to encourage them in consultancy and testing work without interference in their normal academic duties. The salient features of the policy are:
- Individuals or departments can take up consultancy work. The report of the departmental consultancy projects will be signed by the investigators and countersigned by the Head of the department and the report of the individual consultancy project will be signed by the Principle Investigator(PI).
- For projects involving only site visits for consultation work and/or personal discussion, fees may be charged on per day basis at mutually acceptable rate excluding the day spent on travel.
- For technical and other staff, making only site visits outside the scope of ongoing consultancy project, fees may be charged on per day per man basis.
- The PI with the prior permission of competent authority may avail the services of the person not employed in the University as Investigators, provided that concerned Head of the Department (HOD) certifies that the services required are of nature for which the expertise is not available in department/University.
- Student assistant for consultancy work will be paid 150 rupees per hour subject to 50 hour maximum in a month.
- Duty leave will be admissible for consultancy/testing work for 15 working days in a session within the overall limits of the duty leave. For absence beyond 15 days for consultancy/testing work, leave as due will be taken by the staff member. Any absence from the headquarter in connection with the consultancy/testing approved by Research & Consultancy (R & C) Committee will be with prior approval of HOD of concerned department.
- When a faculty member is approached for the consultancy work, he will be treated as the Principle Investigator (PI). If he does not wish to be the Principle Investigator, Vice Chancellor of the University will identify a suitable person the PI
- The PI whose retirement is due from University service, will identify a new P.I. for the consultancy project at least three months before his/her retirement.
- A copy of all reports submitted to the client Firm will be filed in the department.
- The most expeditious and convenient mode of travel should be used for the consultancy work to minimize period of absence from the University.
- All legal action will be subject to the jurisdiction at Civil Court at location of the University/High Court at Prayagraj.
- In case any legal dispute arises between the investigator(s) and the clients such that the Investigator(s) are in any way, held responsible to make good the losses occurred by the client, such liability will be restricted to a maximum limit which will be calculated as follows:
Maximum Liability = The total amount charged for the project (-) total expenditure on the project.
Any guidelines further needed for operating consultancy projects or any dispute arising in the University will be framed/solved by the R&C committee.
File Description | Documents |
soft copy of the Consultancy Policy | View Document |
Minutes of the Governing Council/ Syndicate/Board of Management related to Consultancy Policy | View Document |
Provide the URL of the consultancy policy document | View Document |
Any Additional Information | View Document |